Fighting Childhood Cancer

Oliver the Brave is a childhood cancer story. It is a family story to be read by a parent to their child or children. When your child is sick, the whole family is affected. Oliver is the youngest child in the T-Rex family and he hasn't been himself lately. He finally goes to the hospital where he is diagnosed with cancer. His family is with him the whole time. The story highlights and explains words and terms that may be heard during your childs treatment. Oliver is adorable and easy to love. The family and siblings share in caring for Oliver. Different treatments are discussed, and feelings are expressed. Every page is filled with beautiful, bright, detailed art. Each page ends with the phrase "I am Brave, I am Strong, I BELIEVE IT!" This builds confidence and a positive attitude which is so important when fighting cancer.
The story covers diagnosis, treatment, and returning to school. Oliver the Brave is based on a true story, and was written to raise awareness and funding to help families in need during this very difficult time
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